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Covid Call To Humanity

Launched last March 2020, CHH dissects the COVID hysteria to unveil the future of humanity. It shows us that a New World Order is upon us, and we are being called to make a choice. Will our future be a Great Reset, or the Great Awakening? Will Team Humanity prevail?

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Fully Human

In 2017, we created this website to inform humanity of what it means to be really human in the age of disruptive tech and AI, and to inspire human beings worldwide to nurture their true humanity in whatever initiative or work they may find themselves in.

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IRise Earth

Established in 2017, the Institute for the Renewal of Integral Spiritual Existence (IRISE) is a venue for open spiritual exploration that focuses on inner development through a spiritual understanding of science and technology.

Growing Number of Gen Z Australians Identify as Spiritual

The article examines the rising trend of spirituality among Gen Z Australians, revealing that 38% identify as spiritual, with half believing in concepts like karma. This demographic is increasingly drawn to practices related to spirituality such as meditation and yoga, reflecting a desire for connection with themselves, others, and the natural world. The piece highlights the deep roots of spirituality in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, emphasizing relationality and responsibility towards the environment. While the growing interest in spirituality has contributed to a booming wellness industry, it also raises concerns about potential abuses within spiritual communities and the spread of misinformation. Ultimately, the article underscores the complexity of spirituality as a personal and communal experience, advocating for a mindful and respectful engagement with its practices and origins.

Editor’s Note: The increasing interest in spirituality among Gen Z Australians may signify a broader “great awakening,” reflecting humanity’s collective yearning for more profound meaning and connection in an increasingly fragmented world. As this generation embraces spiritual practices and philosophies, it challenges traditional religious frameworks and highlights a shift towards individual and communal exploration of purpose. This trend has profound implications for society, suggesting a potential reorientation of values towards empathy, environmental stewardship, holistic well-being, and, possibly, the mainstreaming of non-materialist science. If embraced thoughtfully, this spiritual renaissance could foster greater social cohesion and resilience, encouraging a more compassionate approach to global challenges.

Note that this article has focused on what they called “conspirituality”, which refers to the individuals who rejected the vaccine and the continued resistance against the COVID hysteria. The article wanted to paint the “distrust of medical and state authority” as bad; for us here at Truth Force, we see this as a good thing. This means that Gen Zers are probably some of the more conscious generations that have evolved so far.

The author cautions against the commodification of spirituality, a phenomenon referred to as spiritual materialism. We agree that this is a danger, but so far, the older Gen Z-ers seem to have found a way around that, too [see the articles Embracing Slow Living: Millennials and Gen Z Cultivate Intentional Well-Being in a Chaotic World and Underconsumption Core: Focusing on the Essential and the Meaningful].

These new trends emerging among Gen Z are encouraging, as they indicate that this internet generation can wade through the chaos to see what is essential. We hope this movement will herald a transformative era for humanity, where spirituality catalyzes personal growth and collective responsibility, paving the way for a more harmonious and interconnected future.

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