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Covid Call To Humanity

Launched last March 2020, CHH dissects the COVID hysteria to unveil the future of humanity. It shows us that a New World Order is upon us, and we are being called to make a choice. Will our future be a Great Reset, or the Great Awakening? Will Team Humanity prevail?

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Fully Human

In 2017, we created this website to inform humanity of what it means to be really human in the age of disruptive tech and AI, and to inspire human beings worldwide to nurture their true humanity in whatever initiative or work they may find themselves in.

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IRise Earth

Established in 2017, the Institute for the Renewal of Integral Spiritual Existence (IRISE) is a venue for open spiritual exploration that focuses on inner development through a spiritual understanding of science and technology.


Dacher Kelter a psychologist from the University of California, Berkeley, challenges the common notions of human selfishness with new findings of neuroscience and social research. We are often taught of Darwinian notions of competition and survival of the fittest. We are socialized into thinking that humans are selfish. For competition, greed is a positive thing. Wars are unavoidable. Human nature is frequently described as self-centered and power-hungry in political theory as well as popular culture.

Dacher Keltner questions this view of human nature and tries to explain how and why pro-social emotions like empathy, compassion, and gratitude came to be.

Read this article from Fully-Human.Org

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