The Team behind Covid Call to Humanity, I-RISE, and Fully Human websites is now announcing its 4th website: Truth Force Earth. This naturally raises the question: Why another website and how does this new website relate to the other three websites?
TruthForce Earth: Encouraging and Enabling Truth–to–Action
The global events currently unfolding, aka the Great Reset of the New World Order, are fast, furious, chaotic, perverse and deadly. This Great Reset promises to hijack and control governments worldwide, destroy humanity’s access to Truth through censorship and disinformation and abolish human rights.
Once in control, the Great Reset will promote genocide through scam pandemic lockdowns, vaccine bioweapons and fake climate emergency restrictions; install digital prisons, CBDCs and social credit systems; embroil the world in useless wars; turn humans into cyborgs to realize their transhumanists fantasies; and ultimately eliminate humans altogether and usher in the era of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and shortly thereafter, Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI).
Through various media outlets, mediated by the all-pervasive Internet, billions of humans are now aware of the potential doomsday scenarios that faces humanity. This bombardment of alarming developments will surely paralyze most humans into inaction and apathy. Their favorite excuse is this. I am small. I am alone. I face the violent power of the rich and the powerful. What can I really do?
This kind of self-defeating belief is as understandable as it is uninformed, dangerous and tragic. This negative self-fulfilling prophecy will eventually lead to docility, acceptance of pathological abuses by the powerful, and eventually lead to depression and suicide.
It is therefore important for humans to access a source of good news; of inspiring actions of all kinds; ordinary people attaining the impossible; and achievements at all levels, from the individual to the largest collectivities. Such access to hopeful news can trigger awe with respect to the human capacity to be resilient and thrive in the most adverse situations. Awe and wonder will in turn lead to an appreciation of the higher possibilities that reside in humans – potentials that not even the darkest and most evil deeds can extinguish and conquer.
Already in 2005, we knew from experience that humans were longing for good news amidst all the doom and gloom then. An earlier version of TruthForce engaged 200,000 unique views per month and that was even before the advent of sophisticated social media that now reach into billions. We are confident that, with the daily barrage of freaking bad news, millions are seeking information that can enlighten, uplift and empower them. This is the goal of TruthForce Earth.
Relation to Other Websites
Covid Call to Humanity (CCH),, focuses on Covid and future pandemic scams of the WHO cabal, Climate Lockdowns, CBDC, geopolitical wars (Ukraine, Gaza and the Middle East), censorship, disinformation, culture wars, governance and institutional takeovers, and other control mechanisms of the New World Order. See the Framework of CCH in the landing page to see how all these control mechanisms interrelate with one another.
Fully Human,, focuses on the challenges and threats of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the future of humanity. It covers the rapid and breakneck speed of developments in the AI field. AI facilitates the control of all facets of the Great Reset by the New World Order, as documented by CCH. Plus, by itself, AI is a potential extinction event for humanity. The threat of AI misalignment from human goals is considered by many AI experts as a threat greater than nuclear war. Learn more about this in our Fully Human website.
The Institute for the Renewal of Integral Spiritual Existence (I-RISE),, is the website that covers the transition from learning about challenges to transforming these human and societal trials into evolutionary transformative steps for the individual and for humanity. The human “I” is arising, is standing up to face the challenges confronting humanity.
The framework of I-RISE to enable the ordinary human to be a change agent, is the Lemniscate Process. This process is a 21st Century tweak on the universal archetypal “Journey of the Hero” path to initiation and self-transformation made famous by Joseph Campbell, who built upon Carl Jung’s work on the Collective Unconscious.
Introduced and tweaked by Nicanor Perlas, using the findings of Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, Perlas has successfully conducted workshops using the Lemniscate Process in over a dozen countries.
In addition, Perlas has enriched the Lemniscate Process with the findings of spiritual scientific revolutions currently transforming over a dozen fields of mainstream science today.
Obviously, these findings are either ignored or shunned by the proponents of the Great Reset which is based on a hard-core materialistic, amoral, and atheistic worldview. These amazing scientific discoveries of our time are called by mainstream scientists as “Post-Materialist” science. [efn_note]Post-materialist science, however, deals only with a subset of the revolutionary spiritual scientific discoveries that I-RISE covers.[/efn_note]
TruthForce Earth is the mothership of the other three websites. This design brings into expression our intention of not depressing our readers with horrible news. Rather we want to bring the objective news in preparation for Truth-to-Action to become the default mold of human resistance.
TruthForce Earth will focus on the sharing and analyzing exciting Good News. It will extract the Good News from the three other websites. It will also highlight overarching kinds of Good News that are having a systemic impact in the defense of humanity. In this way, viewers can have a holistic overview of how the Great Awakening of Humanity is happening, where Team Humanity is having significant impact in the struggle to have a dignified, fully human world. It is our hope, that, In the end, readers will be more awakened, inspired and determined to face the challenges in the world.
At TruthForce Earth, we emphasize the word, Truth-to-Action. The journey to Truth is incomplete if that Truth is not expressed in creative and meaningful action. Accumulating a lot of knowledge without doing anything about it leads to a bizarre form of human existence: all-encompassing knowledge with great impotence and no fruitful action. Rather we have to mobilize Truth-to-Action not only for ourselves and our societies but also for our troubled Mother Earth that has been nurturing humans for tens of thousands of years!
We cannot be passive observers of the greatest challenges facing humanity. We can only live in our desired world if we contribute our share in creating that desired world. The tools to become active in shaping individual, group, societal, and global affairs are covered in I-RISE and will also be an added focus in TruthForce Earth!
Join the peaceful efforts to achieve the evolutionary transformation of humanity!!! Help by sharing the Good News that you will find in TruthForce Earth. Every effort counts!